Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Fresh Start


I have a bit of a problem here. 

This is my first post for this blog (Hopscotch and Candy Floss) but I've had 4 blogs in the last 4 years. 

Scratch that, I've had 5. 

I really like blogs. I'm not a consistent blogger, but ever since my first blog-hopping excursion 3.5 years ago, I just can't seem to stop reading them. 

The problem with me, is that I like fresh starts. I really do. Take, for example, my stack of journals:

I have lost count of how many times I felt like, in order for me to pick back up journaling, I had to start a new journal. There really is something exciting and almost sacred about a fresh journal.

But when it comes to blogging? Well, that's where the problem comes in.

(No, my aforementioned problem was NOT how much money I've spent on blank pages and patterned covers...although that could be an issue too...)

I've started so many blogs that I have no continuity. I have people who knew me under one name and website, and people who knew me under another. Then I've just disappeared, only to appear in another guise. 

My hope is that I'll consolidate my posts into this one blog, but that's going to take some time and a lot of editing...and what with back-dated posts and all, this fresh start post is going to get lost in the shuffle.

SO if I knew you before, HI! And if you're a newcomer, well, I just hope you don't get too confused amidst all this, "What, you don't know that story? Didn't I explain it already? Well...sorry." lol I'll try to keep it straightforward. 

Gotta run, there are veggies to cut, bums to change, and cookies to eat!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Rage, ultrasounds and photos

First, may I just say that I can't handle these hormones? I'm going insane. Like, rage-y insane. I'm SO frustrated because Abigail hasn't been sleeping well today. She had three 30-50 minute naps all day, and it seemed that she woke up just in time to interrupt me doing something. I feel like I haven't been able to get anything done without a crying baby in the background. THEN she refused to nap at 6pm, and was melting down at 7. I kept her occupied and as content as I could until bedtime at 8, and she went down without a fuss. But then! 9:15 rolls around and she starts fussing and grunting and sounding oh so awake. Like she just had a great nap and is ready to be up again. And just as I'm thinking about how frustrated I am, Matt lays down on the floor and starts going on and on about how tired he is. Read: "I'm going to bed, because I'm just so tired." Which made me SO angry! Why? Well, apart from the rage of hormones that I am right now, I had been wanting to do a couple things before bed, like this writing this post, and I can't very well do it with a baby. Also, if baby is awake then I have to be up with her. And I am so done with this day and her being up 24/7 that I want Matt to be the one to stay up with her, because I'm fighting this cold, and am so tired myself. But no, Matt starts on the, "I'm going to bed" charade, and I get to stay up. Awesome. So I got all mad and rage-y. Then I felt bad, and got up to apologize and snuggle on his lap, but just as I got up, Matt got up to get a kleenex, and I was left standing there feeling like a moron. I know it wasn't a big deal, and I probably didn't look like a moron, but I felt really embarrassed and even MORE rage-y. See what I mean about the hormones? I can feel them rocking me to the core but I feel helpless to do anything about it. To be perfectly honest, I worry that I have post-partum depression. Or some kind of something or other. I know that I need to be aware of it, and that my needs are important, and a healthy mommy is essential in order for Baby to be happy, blah blah BLAH. I KNOW that. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to address it right now. Because, to be frank, I want to nurse Abigail. I'm not ready to stop. I am not willing to stop just to go on anti-depression medication. I honestly think I will feel worse about myself, and that it will worsen whatever it is that I'm struggling with if I have to do that. My self-confidence is already almost at zero, and if I switch to formula just because I can't emotionally handle things then I will inevitably feel worse. If there was some other reason for nursing not working out, I think I'd have an easier time, but honestly, try to imagine not being able to nurse because you're not functioning emotionally. Can you imagine feeling like crap about it? Yeah. Me too.

Now, that being said, I AM functioning. I am. Things are good. I'm becoming a better and better mommy every day. I just don't understand these extreme swings of irrationality in the form of sudden rage, when one second before I felt lovey. It's like this knot of tension appears in my chest and demands to be released in the most verbal and door-slamming way possible. So there.

Anyway. That's my rant of the day. I'm sorry my blog is often negative and rant-y lately. I can't explain it much beyond the emotional struggles and annoyances I've been feeling lately. Believe it or not, in comparison to yesterday today has actually been a great day. I've been so so SO happy today. Which makes the sudden rage even more confusing and embarrassing. I wish I understood myself, I really do.

So I mentioned before that I'd write about Abigail's ultrasounds. The kidney one to check on the fluid levels (that were a little elevated at one point in utero) were normal, and they could see the bottom of her dimple, and that there were no skin cells there, and no connections to her spine from it. SO good. Unfortunately they didn't manage to see the bottom of her spine because she was moving too much, so we need to go back for another ultrasound. Also, when they were checking the kidneys they noticed that (and I'm going to butcher this here...) there was some ovarian activity or some sort, that was suggestive of her ovulating. Apparently it's normal, or common enough, due to an increased amount of estrogen? I don't really know. The doctor wants to do a follow-up ultrasound to check on it, but Matt's question was,  "If it's normal, why do we need to follow up?" and that's how I feel too. Also, do we really need to see the bottom of her spine? We know she has full mobility, and that the dimple has a bottom. I did the bloodwork that checks for open neural tube defects, so I'm not worried about that. Should I go for this ultrasound? If they can't see it well enough on u/s then the doctor will want to send her for a MRI. I think that's going a little overboard. The midwives wouldn't have even inspected the dimple, and now she'll be going for her (3rd? 4th?) ultrasound in just 4 months of life. It's a lot to put a baby through, not even counting the possibility of an MRI and needing a general anesthetic.

So what I'm thinking is that I'll get the ped's office to fax the results to my family doctor who is looking after Abigail. She can go over it and we'll discuss it at Abby's 4-month appointment beginning of February, and decide whether or not all these ultrasounds are necessary. I think this pediatrician is nice and all, but I don't understand him half the time, mostly because of his accent and abrupt manner.

Anyway, this is getting long and I really am tired and really do want to go to bed, so to finish off, here are some photos from Elijah's birthday "party."

[caption id="attachment_1468" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Ohhh she makes my heart melt..."][/caption]


Loving the colour of those eyes

[caption id="attachment_1470" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="First "cheese" smile ever!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1471" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="In the insanity that was yesterday I ran out of time to teach Elijah how to blow out candles. Oh well."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1473" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption="Nana (my MIL) helping Elijah put his new boots on"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1474" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption=""Check out my boots!!!""][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1472" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="I had to fight for this family photo. Matt was out of humour, Elijah was on the verge of a meltdown, and Abigail had a full poopy bum combined with that awful diaper rash, but I INSISTED on a photo! SO glad I did."][/caption]

Friday, January 27, 2012

Elijah's Birthday

Today my little man turned 2. SUCH a special day for him, and I wanted it to be a day that was all about him, and making him happy. You know, giving him the foods he likes best to eat, going for a walk outside, playing at Nana's, presents to open, friends to play with. I wanted it to be exciting and happy.

Except it wasn't. Ohhhh, no no no. Today was a bad day. A horrible day! Words fail to describe today.

First? I've been fighting a cold. The kind that makes my throat hurt a teeny bit, that makes my voice sound husky, and that gives me lovely stuff to cough up. Mmm.

Then Abigail had a bad night. Normally she wakes up once in the night between 3 and 4am to feed and then goes happily back to sleep until 7-8am. I'm lucky, I know. I was NOT, therefore, expecting her to be up at 1:30 and 3:40 and 5:10 before deciding at 7:15 that she was up for the day. Maybe some of you do that every night, but there is something to be said for conditioning, and I am not used to having my sleep interrupted so much. So not only am I fighting a cold and feeling tired from that, but I had a crappy night's sleep too!

I go to change Abigail's diaper to find that it had leaked. BIG time. Like, a foot-long pee-stain on her back. And now the couch smells like pee. I used a cloth diaper for the first time last night, and I guess I'm not used to its capacity, and I treated it too much like a super-absorbent disposable. Not so much! Also, I noticed that Abigail suddenly had a bad diaper rash. 99% sure that it was somehow caused by the diaper or the detergent my friend uses to wash them (we borrowed a bunch from my friend Julia, so that I could test-drive some before investing in them...) So yeah, diaper rash is not so fun. Sad, and just all around...blah.

I was an emotional roller coaster this morning. I was happy and fine one moment, and then freaked out on Matt the next for watching me while I tried to think up an eloquent status update on facebook. I stormed off upstairs and got in the shower just to spite him, because he was supposed to be leaving for work. I knew it was childish, I just felt suddenly and irrationally mad. It's the hormones.

Then I get back downstairs and realize that I hadn't nursed Abigail yet since 5:10, so I nurse her as Matt is walking out the door. She poops while nursing and I immediately set out to change her after she's done feeding so that it doesn't aggravate her diaper rash any further. Well. Was that ever an ordeal and a half. I'm actually emotionally traumatized by what followed. NEVER have I heard her cry so hard in my life. It didn't even sound like her crying. She just sounded like some poor wounded animal who would be screaming bloody murder, then whimpering desperately, and then drawing shaky breaths of air into her. It sounds terrible, but I had to say it. It WAS terrible. It was and IS one of those things that is just too sad and awful to really convey with such vague sentences as, "Abigail had the worst diaper rash ever today. I've never heard her cry so hard." It just doesn't do justice to exactly how traumatic this experience was.

Anyway, she finally fell asleep 45 minutes later, and I snuck out of the house, leaving the monitor and Elijah with my MIL. I had a ton of stuff to pick up for Elijah's birthday party tonight, so off to Walmart I went.

I had a good time wandering around on my own, destressing a little as I wandered the aisles mindlessly. That is, until I went to go leave and couldn't find my keys anywhere. Commence panicking. I had to have walked around for 5-10 minutes looking for them, and had just resolved to sit down and cry if I got stranded at Walmart with my diaper-rashy, -due-to-be-nursed baby at home when I thought I should check customer service. Thankfully some kind soul had found the keys and promptly returned them, so that crisis was averted.

In the 1.5 hours that I was gone the world had gone from green to white. The roads were awful, the snow was coming down heavily, I had to drive slow, I forgot my glasses at home. NO FUN.

Then I got home and Abigail was awake but happy. Until I nursed her at 12:30, when she pooped again and had to be changed again. This time was even worse than the first!

Where was Elijah in all this? Ohh, he was just wandering around with his Doctor Jekyll hat on, completely adorable and helpful to boot. I felt amputated, to be honest. Here was this sweet little boy who was supposed to be celebrating a birthday and I could give him no attention because I couldn't even hear myself speaking over the baby screaming in my arms. And then, here is this poor, helpless little 3-month old baby who was crying and trying to tell me what was wrong, but I already KNEW what was wrong and was helpless to do anything about it. AWFUL.

Finally I got them down, and instead of making brownies I destressed for an hour. Then Matt got home from work early, and instead of giving me a hug and making it all go away, he sat down on the couch and told me HE was having an awful day too! It's not fair, that when we have bad days at the same time. So then he went upstairs to sleep, and I started making the brownies for tonight's party. Except part-way into making the brownies Abigail started to wake up, so I went upstairs and got her up so Matt could sleep. I figured she'd be fine and happy now that she had rested (because she was fine before, after sleeping!) but no. No, no, no. I ended up sitting on the couch with her for 1.25 hours, once I'd found a position that she did not cry in. Matt came down the stairs, got Elijah up, relaxed on the computer, I snapped at him a couple times because I wanted to be getting ready for tonight but couldn't because I had the baby so why couldn't HE start making the brownies and wrapping the gifts? Which of course he did not take kindly to, so he snapped back. It was beautiful.

And then! I call Farrah to see if she, Dave and the kids were still coming tonight, but they weren't feeling well. And then Matt got an email saying the his brother and SIL weren't coming because of work. And then he talks to my MIL and finds out that his other brother, SIL and their daughter weren't coming (which was a mistake, they were just coming later) and I lost it. Honestly, I just cried and cried. With the snow this morning, my parents were already not coming, and I hadn't heard from another friend all day and assumed (correctly) they weren't coming either and I felt so hurt and angry. I had wanted this day to be so special for Elijah, and instead we had a double-batch of chili, 24 rolls, way too much ice-cream, brownies and bananas, and no-one to celebrate with. I grabbed my wallet, determined to go to McDonald's and buy Elijah some food that he would actually like to eat (because he can't eat the chili...) but Matt stopped me at the door and gave me a hug, which always brings on the tears.

Oh, did I mention that Elijah woke up as Mr. Hyde? It was great.

So yeah, that was my day. In a nutshell, anyway. There were other details but they seem pretty minor when written out. Just little things that wore away on me, and made me feel crummy overall.

Thankfully, our evening turned out well. It wasn't what I had imagined, but it was nice nonetheless. We had a quiet dinner with Matt's parents, and then a couple of Matt's grandparents and Aaron and Rachelle showed up with their daughter, and we ate junk and watched as Elijah opened his gifts and Terrah stuffed tissue paper up her nose and then ate it (true story.) Abigail did not have a screaming reprise thanks to the brilliance and experience of Rachelle, who suggested rinsing her bum rather than wiping it when she pooped again, and all was calm and happy once more.

Still, though. I feel sad that I didn't get to celebrate my little man like I wanted to. I hope he felt loved today. I hope he felt appreciated, and very very VERY wanted. I'm glad that I forced myself to take photos tonight. I wasn't feeling much like it, but I knew I'd regret it big time if I didn't even get pictures of the day my boy turned 2. I haven't edited them yet, but I'll post some when I do.

It's funny how different Elijah is to me today compared to yesterday. I can feel that my love for him has grown, just since yesterday, and I also know my attitude towards him is different. Things that were in the not-so-distant future are now at the forefront of my mind. I suddenly am thinking of getting rid of the soother, potty training, and Elijah dressing himself as a reality rather than a distant thing we have to work on. I can no longer say, "He's not even 2 yet..." and it feels so strange. He's entered a completely new phase of his life. Babyhood is gone, and childhood is here (as are the terrible two's...haha.) To look for toys today, I deliberately avoided the baby aisle. I bought him a truck that he loves, and some play doh. Those are things big boys do, and it just felt right somehow. That makes my heart both sing and sigh at the same time. I've avoided baby pictures today, because I don't think my fragile emotional state can handle the reminiscing.

Anyway, it's late. Matt always predicts that I'll stay up late and I always aim to prove him wrong until I find something else to do, some other blog post to write, or someone else to email. As it is, I still need to post about Abigail's ultrasounds, but I'll do it another day. For now, it's time for sleep.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Anniversaries Galore

This is an amazingly special time of year for me. First, I got baptized on January 26th...9 years ago! Crazy pants.

Then Elijah was born on January 27th, 2010. I can't believe he'll be TWO tomorrow.

THEN January 25th of last year, I found out I was pregnant with Abigail.

It's special because there are so many good things to reminisce about. I love thinking about how this time, 2 years ago, I was walking around 12 days overdue. I had a (big!) baby in my belly, and I was done with being pregnant. I'd been for a non-stress test and ultrasound that day and everything looked great. I had had my membranes stripped 3 times, and was still not showing any signs of activity. I made Matt take the long way home so that I could buy expensive specialty chocolates. I went shopping for a sewing machine with my mother-in-law, ate spicy food, and walked and walked. I honestly felt like I'd been pregnant forever, and that I'd BE pregnant forever. Then the next day changed my life. I love thinking about it, about every little second of it, even the seconds of agony as I waited, feared, hoped and dreamed about what was to come.

Then last year. I have memories surrounding when I found out I was pregnant, but for some reason it feels more distant than Elijah's birth and the time leading up to it. Maybe because when I found out I was pregnant again, we were in the midst of packing up our house and moving to a teeny apartment? It was joyful, though. I know that much. Surreal, yet joyful. Walking around knowing I was pregnant. Going to school, moving, visiting friends, going to church, all knowing the little hope and joy inside of me. The first few weeks of pregnancy were rocky thanks to my doctor interpreting the results of my bloodwork incorrectly, but after my 8-week ultrasound showing a healthy baby growing in my uterus and not my tubes, things began to ease up, and HOLY HANNAH I was pregnant again!

Oddly enough, the feelings of joy that I feel when reminiscing about this time of year also leave me feeling a little sad. You know, when you get to the end of a good day, and you're sad that it's over, even though there is the hope of good days to come? The times I'm reminiscing about were sweet, sweet memories, time that I would love to relive if I could. Instead I am here, 1, 2, and 9 years in the future, feeling this sense of dread almost, that I'm not enjoying the moment enough, that I'm not living in the now, that I'm going to look back on THIS time and with I could relive THESE moments.

I ache, like an actual physical ache when I look at old pictures and videos of Elijah. I'm not used to that little baby anymore! He has morphed into this big boy, this sweet, loveable, and entirely troublesome little toddler. Today is his last day as a 1-year old, his last day as a baby, and my heart hurts. How did he get so big on me? How did time fly by so fast? Where have I BEEN these last two years?

Then I look at Abigail and I feel even more determined to live in the moment. I feel so guilty for Elijah, for all first babies out there. It took time flying by without me living in the moment to learn to live in the here and now, so now I'll have more memories with Abigail as a baby, and more memories of Elijah now, but the lesson has been learned more for future kids than for Elijah himself. Does that make sense? I know I'm just talking gibberish now, and it's because I'm sitting here trying to not cry.

Oi. I'm feeling tired and emotional. So much so that it feels like PMS or pregnancy. Most likely it's because I'm nursing, and that's just messing with everything. I forget that so often! And now my little monster is awake, and wants up. I can hear him jumping in his crib, throwing his soothers on the floor one-by-one, and shrieking occasionally. Oh, how I love that little boy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

When Worlds Collide

Okay, okay, I know. I've been terrible at blogging. I haven't posted about weekly wednesday weigh-ins, or ANYthing really, and there are reasons for it, but if I keep trying to find the time to post about 100 things, I'm not going to find the time. So instead I'll post about one thing particularly on my mind right now, and hope to find time for the rest tomorrow.

I'll try to keep this brief, but it wouldn't make sense without backstory, so bear with me.

When I was in highschool my friends and I all went to this one evangelical church. My friend, A, had been raised in the church, and it was one of those singing and dancing kind of churches where people wave their hands in the air, and are always being asked to come to the front to make various (public) commitments to Jesus. Yes, I talk about it in a bit of a cynical way, but that's mostly because of how it made me feel.

There were a TON of youth there, but it was always so clique-y. I really only kept with the friends I came with, because even though A was friends with all those people, it felt like I wasn't cool enough to penetrate their inner circle.

In addition to that, I never felt the spirit. I felt so empty inside, spiritually, when I was there, and I was left wondering if people who were crying tears of joy were faking it, or really feeling it. In hindsight, I think it was a bit of both. When you add in things like invitations for anyone who is feeling in their heart that they want to give their lives over to Jesus tonight, and if that someone is you, then come on up to the front and be embraced by his love...well, I was tempted often to go up, just because I thought people might like me more. Only once did I actually feel the spirit, and feel excitement, and like I could get up, and so I did. It was a big deal, A got all excited and happy, and I was happy in my own way too. The spirit nudging me along left SO quickly, but I told myself that I was happy because I had felt it anyway. I grasped at it desperately and tried to get it to come back, but started to feel like a fake because the feeling wasn't with me, but the public commitment had already been made. Then, afterwards, this youth leader who I really looked up to and admired took me aside and said something to the effect of, "Did you really mean it? Because if you didn't mean it, then it's a big commitment and you shouldn't lie about it..." and instantly any little feelings of happiness left me. I wanted to cry. I felt like she was accusing me, and I felt even worse because I HAD meant it, and I was confused because the good feelings I'd had before were gone. Then, that following summer at a bible camp with A I broke down. I cried because I wanted the attention, I'll admit, but I was frustrated and angry more than anything. WHY could everyone else feel the spirit and be so happy when all I felt was emptiness? Was there something fundamentally wrong with me? That ONE time was all I had, and it was gone. I cried because I wanted someone to notice my suffering, and I didn't know how to get people to take me seriously without opening the flood gates. A year later, I confessed to a good friend, L, that religion wasn't for me. I never felt anything, and I just couldn't believe in a "jealous God" as the scriptures talked about.

So, that was my youthful searching for the truth, or the long and short of it.

Then one time at a highschool weekend debate I somehow wound up in a McDonalds, flirting with this guy I'd known a bit from previous debates, but had never really gotten to know further than in passing. I tried to impress him with my conviction that organized religion was a farce, that it had never done me any good. He politely objected, and asked on what grounds I disliked and condemned religion. I told him my frustration over heaven and hell, and that it couldn't possibly be so black and white as that. He agreed (!!!) and proceeded to tell me about the three degrees of glory (see here.) It began a long conversation about the gospel, and for the first time ever, I felt the spirit in full. Not this fleeting goodness that inspired me to get up and publicly commit myself. Not this vague feeling of peace that was gone as quickly as it came.

No, this feeling was strong. It pulled at my heartstrings. It made me tear up for joy. It filled my chest with this feeling of excitement and peace. And the best part of all? It never went away. I floated back to my hotel room that night. I faked sleep on the way home the next day so I could think it all through. It inspired me to give up favourite bad habits of mine that I only assumed at that point were not in harmony with the feeling I'd had, and the gospel that my friend taught.

I've honestly never ever looked back since that day. My testimony is a simple one. My friend A asked, a couple years after-the-fact, what made me stop going to her church and want to become a Mormon. That experience is where the answer lies.

I had gone for years feeling starved of the spirit. I wanted to feel it, and yet never did. In its place I felt confusion, frustration, anger and shame. It hurt so bad, and yet I think I had those experiences so that I would recognize the spirit when it did come along, so that I could recognize the truth when I was faced with it.

I know the Gospel is true. I know it because of the feeling I get inside when I talk about it, when I listen to the talks given in church, when I read the lessons. It inspires me every day to be better than I am, to strive to become like my Savior.

There are still times I do not feel the spirit. I don't usually feel it in the overabundance that makes me cry for joy, but I do feel its quiet reassurance and guidance day to day. With the exception, of course, of when I am the one to distance myself from the Holy Ghost. When I go places or do and say things that offend the spirit. I am so thankful I can recognize those times though, and that I know what to do to gain the spirit's companionship once more.

And that is my backstory for today's experience.

I still see A, L, and our friend J from time to time. In fact, we're getting together at A's next week for lunch. I love seeing them, and it's fun and strange at the same time, reminiscing about our highschool days and the fun we had.

However, mostly I've moved on. Many aspects of my friendships with people in highschool were rather toxic, and when I got baptized and changed my life around I found that I had little in common with my friends anymore. I made new friends, and feel more comfortable around them, like I can be myself.

To be honest, I find it difficult to be around people who knew me well before I was introduced to the church. I feel like I'm expected to be a certain way around them, like they are judging my ever action, every word. Also, I feel that in many instances they feel they still know me, and are often wrong when they claim to know what I like and don't like, how I'd react in a situation, and what my aspirations are. It's tiring to me, and I'm honestly okay with the distance. I suspect it's why I have a hard time being around my mom, because she is THE WORST for thinking she knows me when she doesn't. It's the main reason I don't want my blog to be public, because it makes me uncomfortable to have my mom read it. She would read my posts before, and then start quoting them to me later, and would say really awkward and socially unacceptable things like, "I just love reading your blog. I feel like I'm getting to know this whole side of you I've never seen before, and that I'm able to see who you are..." Okay, maybe that doesn't sound awkward to you, but to me it felt like my mom had just fessed up to reading my diary and loving it. She still thinks the things I go through are cute and funny and I'm her little girl. It's infuriating, and THEN she feels like she needs to comment on everything and comfort me when I'm sad! Oh boy. Now I've turned this into a rant. Suffice it to say, my mom and I have never been close, and her thinking we're closer than we are because she reads my blog upsets me. Rant over. (Yeah, and if you ever thought Mormons had to be perfect...don't look to me for an example. And yet! They haven't kicked me out, so it must not be true. We're allowed to have faults. ;) )

Where was I? Oh yeah, finding it awkward around people from my pre-conversion days.

Well, to be honest, it makes me feel like my worlds are colliding. That I'm a different me than before, but that I'm taking this new me and stepping back into the old me's situation. When I stayed overnight at my mom's the night before Elijah's baby shower, I layed in bed in the room that was mine when I was 4 years old and cried. I felt SO depressed. I felt...I felt like I couldn't remember who I was. I had to do a mental inventory. To tell myself that I had a home in such and such a city. I had a dog and a cat there. I had a husband who I loved very much. I had a bed and clothes and THINGS and that my entire life did not revolve around the house I grew up in and the people there. That I EXISTED outside of that old reality. It was awful, but it felt like my grip on reality was slipping away from me. And then Elijah started kicking, and I cried harder, for sheer gratitude. He was there. He was with me. He was real, and he was proof that I was not that teenage girl, going to bed in a big and drafty house, alone with her depressing thoughts. He was all that kept me from calling Matt in the middle of the night, asking him to come pick me up like a 5-year old who wants to come home from their first sleepover ever.

Suffice it to say, I have a hard time when my worlds collide. I just want to go on being the new me. I like this me. It's easy to be me. My friends who are members, who have only known me a certain way, even the ones who are not kindred spirits, even the ones who I barely even LIKE, I am more comfortable around than my own family and my old friends. It doesn't mean I don't see either my family or my old friends (hence our lunch/play date scheduled for next week) but I feel like they at least know me. I can relax and just be big, bad, old me around them.

So anyway, today my two different worlds collided.

My good girlfriend, Julia, who I visited in Calgary in May, wanted to go to an Early Years Centre this morning for some program. I had to pick some things up and drop some things off for her, and I thought, "Elijah loves EYC's! Why not just stay and play?" And then it turns out that the EYC she goes to is in the gym of this church I used to go to with A. I knew where it was, I knew how to get there, I knew where to park, and I even knew the layout of the building, have spent countless hours of my youth there. It was like a blast from the past. And then! Guess who does their mom group/playdate every week there on Tuesday mornings? Yep, A and J, and umpteen other girls I remember from youth, who probably don't remember me. The ones I wanted to be friends with but wasn't good enough (or so I felt...) Maybe they never felt that way, but still. I'm so insecure, even at 27 years old, and it was weird. Not only was I there after years and years of not being there, not only am I a different me now, but I LEFT their church to become a Mormon, which was a big no-no. Like, my mom consulted lawyers, pastors, and tried to get people from A's church to talk me out of it (good story, I'll have to tell it sometime...) And then here I am with my kids.

I am SO thankful for Elijah and Abigail. Kids provide so much common ground that, on an awkwardness scale of 1-10, it was probably only a 6, maybe a 7 for me, whereas it'd otherwise have been an 8 or 9.

In short, though, my worlds collided. In a big way. And I didn't like it. I felt more detached from Julia, because I was trying to bridge these two worlds, and just didn't know how to do it. It's not an occurrence I intend to repeat any time soon. Also, part of me feels when I go there (like for when Anne got baptized or when she was married) that they're like, "Oh good, Holly came! There's hope for her damned soul yet!" Which is funny, because if it was the other way around, I'd be thinking the same thing. Which is probably why I'm so sure they're thinking it too, because I'd be thinking it.

Anyway, it's getting late, and I have revealed a ridiculous amount of sensitive things about myself. Way too much for one post. I'm going to have to make tomorrow's post a flippant and non-committal thing, something about how I like the flavour of bananas but don't like the texture, because they're know? In all likelihood, I'll write about this time last year, because tomorrow is a pretty special anniversary for me. Either way, though. Nothing so deep as this, don't worry. This kind of mush takes time to stew over, and I won't have another brain mush post until AT LEAST Thursday. ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012


It's late, but I've been trying to get this post up for a few days now. I have all these thoughts swirling around in my head, and just can't seem to articulate them very well. This is actually the third post on the topic that I've written, so please know that I approach this subject with a great deal of caution.

Now that I've started my post with such loaded words, can you guess what it's about? It'll probably be anti-climatic!

Mostly it's about having surgery done to augment losing weight.

(See? I told you it'd be anti-climatic!)

I have a cousin who had the stomach stitching done, which is pretty scary stuff. There's a 10% fatality rate with that one, and to ME it doesn't warrant the surgery being done, but I have also not lived my entire life overweight, nor do I have 100+ lb's to lose. I really can't judge.

Recently I've learned about this surgery that involves putting a saline belt around your internal organs, specifically around your stomach, so that it compresses it and you can only eat smaller amounts of food at a time. It's much safer, can be inflated or deflated as desired, doesn't have to be permanent, all these good things going for it. Well, except for the cost, of course.

I know someone having this surgery done, and I'm not going to judge. Again, I am not them, I have walked in their shoes, and I can't pretend I'm better at making decisions for them than they are.

I do have a lot of feelings surrounding the surgery, though. That's what has been swirling through my head of late.

I'll be honest here. The first thought that popped into my head when I heard about it was jealousy.

No, I wouldn't have the surgery done. But I'm jealous that they no longer have to deal with wanting more food, and needing to use so much self control to not eat more. I'm jealous that they don't have to fight for their body and their weight loss. I'm jealous that they don't have to worry so much about reverting to old habits. Yes, I'm jealous.

Have you ever wished that you'd all of a sudden become allergic to your favourite foods? That some doctor, or someone with authority, would tell you that you'll die if you eat it, just so that you had something to REALLY shock you into making the life change that you've been meaning to make but have never got around to?

I feel like the surgery is like that. I wish I hated chocolate and sweets, and that it wasn't a temptation for me. That my body would reject it, or SOMEthing to keep me from eating so much of it. In short, I want all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle without any of the work involved. I feel like the surgery is skipping the self-control and work steps. I know that having a surgery is not easy, but I can't help but feel that it's the easy way out.

That smells strongly of judging. Perhaps 'easy way out' is the wrong way of putting it. Portion control would undoubtedly be easier to someone who has had this surgery than someone who has not, though, wouldn't you agree?

So there. That's one feeling surrounding it.

And the other feeling is going to make me sound like a jerk when I don't mean for it to.

Basically I feel panicked, that my friends all around me are going to get thin and I'm going to be left in the dust as the fat friend. That's a scary thought. I don't want to be the fat friend.

I've often wondered what would be harder - growing up overweight and struggling with it your whole life, or growing up thin, like a little stringbean that never had to worry about weight or body image, and then all of a sudden, as an adult you gain a lot of weight and have to deal with self-image issues as a result.

I fall into the second category, as is evidenced by how many words I used to describe that state of being as compared to the first case, which I really can't write much about because I didn't experience it (notice how I'm rambling? I should be in bed.)

Growing up, I was the thinnest of my friends. Then in highschool, I was about equal with a few friends. But it probably doesn't come as a surprise that I LIKED it. Much as my one friend secretly liked being short because it made her cute, I liked being thin because it made me attractive and desirable. I totally flaunted my body, I'll admit. I should have known it'd come back to bite me!

[caption id="attachment_1444" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Seriously, how cute was I? Granted, I was 17, and you'll never be as small as you were in high-school. Nor would I want to be (for the record.)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1445" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="But I also don't want to be this me again. I don't remember my face looking so pudgy...this picture is from almost 5 years ago. I fear that me."][/caption]

So there's the old me that was thin and loved it but did nothing for it, and then there's the 5-years older me, that didn't do anything for her weight either.

I was browsing pinterest the other day, and I read something that really struck me. It was so simple, just a plaque saying that we earn our bodies. How true is that, though? Okay, maybe it was not true when I was a teenager. Teens just have the advantage of youth on their sides, which makes up for how funny-looking they are otherwise.

As adults we come into our own, and the majority of us have to decide what kind of body we are going to have. If I'm going to do nothing about my weight, then that is MY choice, and no-one but me is determining my looks. If I'm pudgy, then I've earned it. I have my reward for eating all the sweets I want and not trying to portion control. If I'm thin then I've definitely earned that too.

So anyway, big tangent there.

But yeah, I'm afraid. I have a good friend who went through a divorce a few years back. She was rather insecure about her weight, probably partly because her ex at one point told her that he didn't like how she'd let herself go and got fat (up to 160 lb's. I seriously want to punch this guy sometimes.) She's worked her butt off and is now completely smoking. I see her when I go out with her and my other friend who has a 7-month old daughter, and she tells us candidly that she puts on her best clothes and does her make-up perfectly for when she goes out with us, because she figures that if we're going to be happily married and have cute babies, then she at least can have the one-up on us by having a smoking hot body. I love it, and I love her. And she totally succeeds.

The other friend I mentioned (with the 7-month-old baby) was overweight her whole life, then did this weight-loss regime and became this teeny little thing. Then she got married, had a baby, and is now working off the weight. She'll do it too, she's very determined, and I have no doubt that by the summer she'll reach her goal and be all svelte again. I don't begrudge her her success, but I do envy her determination.

Another friend of mine did this Japanese thing that talks about eating according to what parts of your body are ailing you (totally butchering this description...) She learned that she needs to cut out starch, and to me it sounds like a fancy way of saying "Atkins diet" but it's had success and now she's down 20lb's.

And now this friend with the surgery. I know that it'll be successful, with a surgery like that you can't help but see results, and quickly too! I'm happy for my friend. I truly am. I'm really (REALLY!) curious to see what she'll look like thinner. I've never seen her thin (heck, SHE'S never seen her thin) and that kind of change fascinates me. I fully support her doing it, and I'm excited for her.

Part of me feels a little abandoned though. We were both trying to lose weight, get more active, and although we weren't doing it together, in my mind, there was someone close to me who was working towards the same goal the same way I was. Now I feel a bit like she has skipped ahead of me, to a point where I'll always be in the dust behind her.

All of my girlfriends are now thin or are on the path to thinness, and I really do think they'll succeed.

Which, I admit, leaves me with the previously stated feeling of panic, at the thought of becoming the friend with lifelong weight and self-esteem issues.

I suddenly feel like I have GOT to lose weight. I've just got to.

My no-sweets thing? Still going strong. Want to know why?

Because every time I consider caving, my mind involuntarily thinks, "No! I WON'T be the fat one!"

I hate the word "fat" for the record. It sounds so rude to me, but I don't know how else to word it.

Either way, though, I want to walk with more confidence and be comfortable in my skin. I want to pack away the maternity clothes, and wear something that makes me look fantastic.

Actually, I took Josey up on her advice and went shopping with my two girlfriends (Baby-Friend and Smoking-Hot-Friend) who are my fashion guide. I'm really terrible at fashion, and if left to my own devices, I'd probably live out my days in cardigans or yoga pants, maybe even at the same time. Anyway, I bought a pencil-skirt, a pair of pants that don't button up (or rather, they barely do, but I don't button them because it hurts. BUT they fit awesome everywhere else, so they're my motivation jeans...) and a couple tops. I feel great in this outfit. I love it, and I want more, but I won't allow myself more until I lose more weight.

Oh! This morning when I weighed myself I weighed 165. WOO!

And now I'm so tired that I'm starting to spout off random things. Please forgive the major lack of proof-reading going on in my post today. I mean, I often forget to proofread, but today I'm choosing sleep over proofreading. Such is life sometimes.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in

(Idea compliments of Josey, layout compliments of Michelle.)

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in (Start of week 5)

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal. (BMI info from this website)

Starting weight: 169
Last Week’s Weight: 169
Current Weight: 168 (down 1lb from last week)
Goal Weight : 140-145

Starting BMI: 27.3 (overweight is 25-29.9)
Last Week’s BMI: 27.3
Current BMI: 27.1
Goal BMI: 22.6-23.4 (in the normal range)

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals.

Progress on last week’s activities:

1) Don't eat sweets - Somehow I managed to not eat sweets, despite feeling pretty woebegone and blah at times. BIG success for me.
2) Survive - Done.

Yeah, last week was a bit of a bust, but I managed to not gain weight which is promising to me. I even trended down a bit the other day and saw 167 on the scale, even if it wasn't on weigh-in day! I'm hoping that this yo-yo of weight continues its downward trend.

I'm having a hard time not eating sweets, I'll be honest. Mostly I just feel like I don't WANT to not eat sweets, but I have the momentum of 2 weeks (tomorrow!) behind me, and I don't take the decision to cave lightly. I know that I have to really be behind not doing it anymore, because I'm likely to regret it, and feel like the junk doesn't taste as good as abstaining. What I need to remember is that my body is kicking the habit of needing sweets every day (multiple times a day...) and that I'm still experiencing some withdrawal. Also, I need to remind myself how bad it was over Christmas, even when I was TRYING to eat well and still managed to polish off a ridiculous amount of chocolate.

So anyway, my goals for this week:

1) Don't eat sweets.
2) Don't make muffins (I seriously have so little self-control that I could eat 1/2 a dozen just for breakfast. They are the most amazing muffins I've ever had though, so can you blame me? Best to not have them in the house.)
3) Do zumba or jog 3 times
4) Do 50 crunches a day, as well as stretches that will help me to be able to touch my toes.
5) Go through 2-3 bottles of water a day (between 6 and 9 cups of water)

Okay, I've got to wrap this up now. I know I'm not quite done but I'm tired to the point of distraction, and Elijah has been waking up at the unholy hour of 6am lately.